B.T. | Part 1 | The Email

I am reaching out to you for an interview that would reach the masses and get us supporters for our cause. The contents of this correspondence are encrypted so you need not worry about your safety. Looking forward to your acceptance.

It was the morning of Autumn 2050. Saanvi Talwar, the famous physicist received an email that she did not read herself. The communication assistant - Neena read it for her and answered it. On most occasions, Neena would ask Saanvi for her opinion and that would be on matters of her mood so as to align her calendar for optimal time management and resource utilization.

Neena was planning a vacation for Saanvi for the coming month when the mail came. She didn't recognise the signature B.T. and tracing the mail was also impossible. Nonetheless she was curious so she sent an acknowledgement and fixed up a meeting for the following evening.

Neena had been trained for a year to reach this level, where she can take decisions on behalf of Saanvi. This is what Saanvi wanted, as it helped her focus on other matters like her research.

It was ten minutes before the meeting and she was wondering what cause was B.T. referring to in their mail. She came out of her reverie to a greeting from someone from the screen in front of her. 

“Hello, Hi, Are you there Saanvi?”

“Yes, Hi B.T. I am here. Tell me why you wish to interview me.”

“Hi Saanvi, I am so glad to finally have your audience. I have been following your research for quite some time. I also see the resistance that has been building up in the community which is percolating to the society at large. The reason for this interview…I mean this meeting’s agenda is to garner more support for us.”

“What do you mean by us?”

“I believe in your work, I support it fully. I have tested it myself.”

“Ohh, are you a researcher too then?”

“Yes, I am but not as experienced as you. If you allow me then may I ask you a few questions?”

“I would first want to ascertain how you wish to gain supporters for our research or as you called it 'cause'.”

B.T. kept on with her explanations and thoughts for quite some time.

“Losing connections with others around,
That is not the only way to be found.
We may not be able to sit on this ground,
But we will amplify this sound.”, concluded the empathetic B.T.

“Yes, right. I understand now.”, Saanvi expressed her understanding.

Saanvi asked Neena what she had planned for her vacation. It was an underwater resort where a reverse aging retreat was being organized for 2 weeks. Saanvi had been there two years back and she remembered telling Neena how much she had liked it. It was not just the feeling of being disconnected but being connected with one's own beginnings.
Neena would note down the inflection of primeval emotions and their stimuli. This information helped her in planning a smooth life for Saanvi. And that was what Neena was hired for.

Neena was on her way to ask Saanvi whether she was ready to leave for the retreat when she got a notification for another email from B.T. It said - “Thanks Saanvi for the interview. I am sharing the information within my network. I would like you to have a look before it goes viral.”

Neena started to watch the video that B.T. had shared. She could see how it would create the inflection of primeval emotions in other humans too.
